Missing Packages
The estimated delivery date of the items purchased through our store is about 3-7 business days, and it varies from shipping address and logistics situation.
Under normal circumstances, one order only has one package. But depending on the size of the item, one order may have 2 packages. The arrival time of the 2 packages may be different. If you only receive a part of the item, please wait for a few days patiently, or you can check the logistics according to the tracking number we provided to you.
If your package exceeds the estimated delivery date, please wait for 2 days patiently, there may be some carriers scanning the delivered items before arrival. If you have not received the package after 2 days, please contact our customer support team suncreatshopify@gmail.comgmail.
If your package shows that it has been delivered, but you have not received the package, please check your neighborhood or other entrances and exits. It may be that the carrier placed it in another place due to weather or other reasons to protect the package. You can also ask your neighbors. It is possible that the neighbors saw the package and kept it temporarily in order to prevent it from being stolen or damaged due to weather and other reasons. Or you can call the carrier and ask for the details of the package delivery.
If you have purchased multiple items and some of them are out of stock, we will ship the in-stock items as normal. And the out-of-stock items will be notified to you by email and refund you the money that you paid through the original account. If you want to know the arrival time of the out-of-stock product, please send an email to our customer support team suncreatshopify@gmail.comgmail.
In order to provide you with a good customer experience, you can always contact our customer support team if you have any doubts.